The Creme Brulee of Ty Phat Bakery is a popular and characteristic dessert of French cuisine. The dessert is made from cream, sugar, eggs, and vanilla flavoring, topped with a layer of tempting caramelized sugar.

With a thin and crispy crust, smooth and creamy custard, and the sweet aroma of vanilla, the Creme Brulee of Ty Phat Bakery is particularly enticing. But the most distinctive feature of this dessert is the caramelized sugar layer on top, creating a visually stunning appearance and a delightful crunch with each spoonful.

The Creme Brulee of Ty Phat Bakery is handmade with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that each cake has a perfect taste and shape. With its traditional flavor and delicate details in every aspect, the Creme Brulee is a perfect dessert for any occasion, from elegant parties to family meals.